Well ... cold weather has arrived so you know what that means ... I'm ready to get the Hell out of here!
Winter can go to Hell where it's warmer anyway!
It's one reason I like Hell and have been so much in my life.
I am all for Global Warming and vote for it!
The only thing Winter does is refine my already immaculate cussing skills!
"Holy Shit!" they scream as I stroll through the door marked "Exit Only" at the Breakfast Club.
"Get out of my way," I wish everyone a good morning knocking them out of the way of the coffee.
"My God," Dani exclaims, you're wearing long sleeves, pants AND SHOES!"
By far Dani is the most observant person at the Breakfast Club.
"I'm not wearing socks," I reply pouring myself a cup.
"We did," she, Caroline and Denise sing in unison showing me their socks.
As if I care.
Grumbling I take my stool (second from the left on the front part of the counter) and sip the hot, steaming elixir of life.
Seventy-five's pretty chilly to me so when the meteorologists flash their plastic grins extolling the perfect fall weather ... or even snow for the Holidays ... they can go to Hell too!
To warm myself, I start thinking about Hell ... who I think should go ... because if we get enough there, the fires will burn larger ... heat rises ... and it gets warmer here!
Obviously Hell is not hitting it's quota anymore.
Though I can't fault Satan because hardly anyone's hitting it anymore as the economy continues to falter in spite of what politicians say.
"Let's see," I say out loud, "who should go to Hell who's still alive and just needs the advance ticket because God knows they're going anyway?"
"What?" Jeff asks wearing a black short sleeve Breakfast Club tee shirt.
"Wasn't talking to you," I say to my brain frozen friend.
"Hmmm," I ponder. "Who should go now and make the world a happier place?"
The Board Chair who chose to remain anonymous comes to mind ... but he is a sad little angry man with a Napoleon complex who built a career climbing up latters to look down on people before tearing them down so he could built himself up.
His father must have been a real prick!
The coffee and friendships warm my soul so I really don't want to send anybody to Hell ... even him ... though he remains first in line.
I don't like negative thoughts and do my best to keep them in check.
There's too many negative things in life already and I don't want to be a contributor to them.
Satan can meet his own quota.
I got enough problems with this damn cold weather and happy meteorologists.
Besides, as soon as I get home, Sarah and Che gonna warm me right up in a toasty sort of way.