The older I get the more I appreciate little things.
On a glorious, hot September day in Athens, I celebrate with all of my kids at the same time. They are scattered to and fro upon the face of the earth so it is rare that we're in the same place at the same time. But here we are.
Making it even more of an amazing day is my brother and sister are also with us. It's equally rare that the three of us are ever in the same place at the same time! I can't remember the last time it happened.
Sweeter still is the constant parade of friends wandering in and out of our celebration. Throughout the day each of us have friends from long ago dropping by to greet us with hugs, handshakes and kisses.
Surrounding us are other collections of families and friends doing the same thing. We are in a sea of picnics. Tables flow with food. Coolers are stuffed with drinks. There is music in the air. Smiles are the languages being spoken.
I know that everyone is busy making their own lives. We have our own families, work, dreams, demands and desires. Each of us are making our way in the world. We are growing and often takes us in different directions. It's impossible to go back to the way things used to be. Honestly, we're all too busy moving forward.
A special bond remains between us though it is most often an unspoken one.
For now though, the word has become flesh and we touch each other often while telling stories and reminding ourselves of good times we've shared. We raise a toast to Dad who would have loved the hell out of this.
And it strikes me that the little things are really the biggest things. Too often we get them confused. Life is a gift to be celebrated and today is full of it's best elements ... sharing it with those you love most ... in a glorious place ... on a marvelous day.
For a little while anyway, everything is right in the world.