I love summer!
I love Summer Solstice!
It's a day of gathering for the Druids, of whom I am extremely fond. Druids were uninhibited people who were very spiritual. I'm as much Druid when it comes to my religion as I am anything else.
It's the longest day of the year in terms of sunshine!
Yesterday I actually walked inside the YMCA to pick up one of Sarah's girls and Jim Klutz exclaimed, "MICHEAL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING INSIDE!"
"Hey Jim," I replied, extending my tanned hand to his white one. "What you doing?"
"Got a meeting," he beamed.
"Ouch," I said. "I don't do those anymore."
"Laurel," I told her as we left, "if you go to meetings in your life you will get very, very white. It's not a good thing."
"Sssh," she said. "I'm very peaceful right now. I love yoga."
"How can a 9 year old love any ...?
"Sssh," she demanded.
We went home, put leashes on Goddess and Winston, the little gay dog, and told them outside on a walk to Shirley's sad little holy dock. Sitting in the middle of the marsh we celebrated Summer Solstice Eve as one with nature.
Summer Solstice is also my beautiful daughter Chelsea's birthday. She is a summer girl who is currently in Paris finishing up her honeymoon. Two weeks ago she married on the beach as the sun set and the moon rose simultaneously in a dark blue sky. When she gets back she'll be Jones-ing for the beach as all children raised Druid do.
Plus everyone wears less laundry during the summer. The Druids blazed this practice and considered it holy.
If all that weren't enough, Summer Solstice falls on a Friday!
To which I say, "Surf's Up! Party on Dude and Dudettes!"
This is a great day to enjoy!