"What have I done?"
The sane side of me consistently asks myself.
"Can you believe we have a baby?" my wife asks.
After a thoughtful pause, I answer ... "No."
"That's honest," she replies. "Me either."
Yet here she rests, stomach on mine, head cocked as a contortionist so it lay in the crook of my arm, half open eyes staring out of open windows.
I'm supposed to be coasting, enjoying the fruits of my labors, working less, traveling more and if I want to see children ... keep the grandkids for a few hours before giving them back and getting on with life as it's supposed to be ... chillaxing!
Yet strolling through Tybee Market ... as I like to do most every day at least once ... I'm accosted by people my age ... all saying the same thing ... "Have you lost your fucking mind?"
"Yeah," I smile, "but honestly I don't remember when."
Jane Coslick says, "That's what grandchildren are for."
Michael Hosti says, "How old are you?"
Matt the Butcher hugs me and says, "Hey man! You went for it and I'm glad you did."
Then Benny ... from Benny's ... smothers me in a bear hug, tells me he loves me and asks to know everything about our baby Che.
When I finish, Benny hugs me again in front of the meat counter while locals gobble the daily specials and tourists exclaim, "Can you believe these prices?" or "Oh My God! Look at this meat! Look at this fresh shrimp right off the boat!"
"Bring me a picture," Benny uncaringly says as we block their attempts to grab the deals. "We're starting a baby wall at Benny's and Che's going to the first."
A Baby Wall at Benny's?
I already see lots of patrons defensively protesting, "That's not my baby!"
There's not enough wall space to accommodate all the babies conceived after encounters at Benny's ... but Benny's pretty successful so who am I to question?
I smile and nod.
It's hard to not love Bail McNally.
Making the short trek home I notice signs for "Trump" or "Hillary" because I'm forced to halt at the 15 Stop Signs between Tybee Market and our house 5 1/2 blocks away.
Everybody's got an opinion about who should be President.
Just like everyone seems to have one about me being a father again ... at my age.
I don't care about either the Presidential race, running Stop Signs or people's thoughts of our daughter.
I'm in a hurry to hold Che.