Bar Church is getting too big.
It's driving me nuts. We're starting to have meetings and stuff. Pretty soon we'll have committees and then the whole thing goes to hell. We've already got titles for Christ's sake!
Samuel Adams, who plays damn good live music on Tybee Island, is the Psalmist, though I have never known of Sam writting a Psalm in his life. He does write music which counts towards something but I haven't seen a single Psalm.
Sean McNally is Associate Pastor primarily because he associates with us. He refuses to acknowledge this title and I, for one, support him in this. I wouldn't associate with us either.
I am Senor Pastor ... meaning I like Margaretta's, Mexican climates and regularly breaking the majority of the Ten Commandments.
Dedra is ... secretary. You can't have a church without a secretary. Jesus said that in the Sermon on the Mount or something. Like every secretary, she is much more than that. She is front person for the DeLuv Band, author of the church newsletter which nobody reads, and holds the archives of every piece of music we've ever needed but don't have because ... it's at her freakin' house!
Sarah is the lead singer ... because she's hot! The rest of us love standing behind her as she sways for God in tight jeans. Hallelujah!
Stephen is the stoic. Davy is the drummer. Hennie is ... we have no idea what Hennie is ... Jeanmarie dances like David danced and Gladius is some epiphany ... no one is sure he came from or why he's there.
As you can tell, we're pretty organized.
Anyway, we're getting too big. There is talk about splitting the band up and having more than one service on Sundays. Hell, most of us can barely make it to the one!
We see the growth potential of it all. The state of Georgia now has Sunday liquor sales which has attendance climbing every time we show up. We may have to hire a consultant like Guy Salyes or Mitch Wesley to tell us what to do ... over beers.
Bigger is not always better. Just ask the Bank of America, anybody who keeps up with the bullshit in Congress or either political party or Christ Church in downtown Savannah, Georgia.
For the moment anyway, Bar Church remains this crazy, simple, and holy little thing. It does things no other church comes close to doing ... making those so wounded by church, the non-churched and the church-haters into a congregation.
"All Things Must Pass," instructed the major prophet George Harrison, and I know that is true.
But this morning I'm praying, "Dear God, don't let it pass just yet."