"Who are you to judge the life I live? I'm not perfect but I don't live to be ..."
Bob Marley said that and it's just impossible to not like Bob Marley.
I accepted my imperfections long ago.
There are times I don't like them but we've learned to co-exist.
I've learned how to forgive myself.
I really do the best I know and when others have problems with it ... it's not my problem.
It's taken a long time for me to get to this point but I have and that makes me happy.
It's like trying to hold the wind up with a sail.
Nobody can actually see it but ... it's definitely possible.
And it makes me happy.
I'm not perfect but I'm okay with myself.
Plus I've earned lots of good Karma that hasn't cashed itself in yet.
I spent decades saving the world and everyone in it.
I don't have to do that anymore.
It's taken me a long time to accept that.
If that isn't enough, my sails are full and I'm doing the best I can trying to figure out which direction I'm heading.
Sooner or later all of the good Karma's gonna kick in and this boat full of life is going to really hum across the water and I've got to stay ready.
So when I screw up ... and I will ... just like you ... take it easy on me.
I'm doing the best I can.
I've done the best I know how.
Just like you.
Forgive yourself ... like I've forgiven me ... and let's trim those sails shall we?
Because it only matters where we're going.
Nobody cares about where we've been.
And if they do ... they're going to Hell.