My friend Mitch posted "Monday, Monday can't trust that day" from the Mamas and Papas and for the life of me I can't figure out what could have possibly been on the Lord's mind when this day was made!
Violent winds blow white sand across a grey beach as though they are snakes slithering to the sea. Sharks teeth litter the beach offering tribute to the wickedness of the wind. The ocean is angry and waves slap one another haphazardly. White caps fight for supremacy over the water. Grey clouds sprinkles a cold mist. There is nothing lovely about this day.
I am alone on the beach.
No one else wants it today but I run along the water's edge feeling the sand snakes bite the calves of my legs. In the distance I see bright lights inside of homes and imagine that people are sipping coffee, reading newspapers or psyching themselves up to drive to work.
"Hey God," I say out loud as I trudge along, determine to get myself back in shape, "what the hell did we do? It's a shitty day! You can do better."
I wait but God chooses not to respond.
"Oh well," I mumble, "have it your way then."
My mind carries itself away and I think about the beaches on Orient Bay and Belize. I imagine sunsets over the sad little holy dock, the smell of the marsh and blue skies. Dolphins sometimes jump as I run, seagulls squawk and children squeal in delight as soft waves carry them to shore. Sipping wine while holding Sarah's hand in a swing in the sand dunes as we watch the moon rise.
These are the things I want today.
A bad day at the beach is better than a good day at the office.
"Hmmm," I ponder trudging along. "Maybe I've got this all wrong. I don't have to go to the office any more. Those are over. I don't have to wear a coat and a tie. Socks are no longer necessary. I've already got a good tan and its not even summer. It's not cold today, just windy. Sarah's home. Nobody's on the island so there are no lines, no traffic, no problems mon."
"Hey God," I yell out loud again. "I get it! Thanks! This is a day that the Lord has made for me!"
A bit of blue erupts through the grey clouds.
"Whoa," I say. "Hey Mitch! I'm gonna trust this day. Suddenly I'm feeling pretty good about it!"
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