This is what happens when you leave a job.
1. The people who love you cry.
2. Colleagues say, "Has he lost his mind? It's a job for God's sake!"
3. You'll be blamed for everything that went wrong over the last six months even if you had nothing to do with any of it ... it'll be your fault.
4. Management will say, "It was a bad hire from the beginning."
5. The Dickheads in your office proclaim, "He was never one of us" and pretend you were never there.
6. Then in no time at all ... nobody remembers you at all.
Even if you're given a Gold Watch and they hang your picture on the Wall of Fame, in no time at all no one remembers.
This is my favorite story about pictures on the Wall of Fame ... in the Board room of the United Way of the Coastal Empire hung each Chairman of their annual fundraising campaign ... great head shots in black-and-white ... except for one ... his was in color ... so when I enter for the first time I say ... "Oh! I'm so glad you don't discriminate ... you even had a colored guy to head your campaign."
Next time I was in the room his photograph had been replaced by a black-and-white.
No one remembers when he was colored.
Now that I'm gone ... no one really remembers me either.
Course I'm glad this had absolutely nothing to do with why I left ... who cares if I'm missed ... remembered ... talked about ... longed for ... wished upon ... desired to return regardless of the costs?
Well ... the truth of the matter is ... I do.
It's a shame we get so much of our self-esteem from others.
Honestly the longer you live ... the more you've done ... the less you care.
Old people who still care amaze me.
They've done it all ... seen it all ... been everywhere but still want to keep at it.
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, each member of Congress and everyone on 60 Minutes spring to mind.
The funny thing is in the end they won't be remembered either.
That's why elected officials name shit after themselves ... to achieve immortality even though no one cares.
Though ... there are those who never forget.
The ones you'd never expect.
Those who matter most ... the lonely widow heartbroken with loneliness who laughs and then cries when you enter ... the hungry homeless man sleeping in the Dumpster before you offered a room ... the orphan taken though it didn't work out ... a sick friend in the Hospital needing the visit and in spite of other plans you were it ... the little old lady wearing her nightgown in the afternoon asking, "Hey Micheal ... is it okay if I go?"
They remember though it doesn't count for much,
Though ... I believe these are the things that God remembers ... for whatever that counts for.
Still ...
I'd rather be remembered by God ... and widows, hungry men in Dumpsters, orphans, sick friends and dying ladies wearing nightgowns in the middle of the day ... than anything they say beside the water cooler ... or to hang there in black and white ... or in color.
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