My son Jeremy, or J-Luv as he is known on the island, and I went out last night after a killer dinner of bar-b-que chicken (which cures a lot of things), al gratin potatoes from scratch (I'm gonna make someone a hell of a wife one day!) and cole slaw (KFC...some things cannot be improved on).
Anyway Jeremy has relocated his bike from his home in Madison, Georgia to Tybee Island so that we don't have to get into the car. So we breezed down to Bearnie's to listen to Sam Adams and Gordon. The courtyard is filled with tourists and we sit on stools and just talk.
Well, we talk when I am not texting a dear friend who is making cupcakes or Keller Deal isn't calling me with orders. I am not certain how this happened. Keller Deal and I used to work together. We don't anymore. Nevertheless, she still calls and tells me what to do.
Even J-Luv says, "Dad, it's Keller Deal. You better take it." So I do. And Keller Deal proceeds to tell me what to do. And I make mental notes and will do my best to do it but I normally only get about three-forths of what Keller Deal tells me. But that just gives her another excuse to call me and order me around. I think that she has discovered her life's purpose.
But I digress.
Sam Adams and Gordon take a break and work the crowd for a while. After they finish with the tourists, they stop by to say hello. Sam and I make plans to get together soon. Then Gordon comes over to let me know that he does not look like the Wolfman, talk like Sling Blade, or frighten children. He does give them harmoincas.
Which is true. Any child who enters the place gets a harmonica from Gordon. He believes that it makes you a better person. Who cannot be impressed with this?
So Gordon is talking to J-Luv and me when I ask him how he got started with the harmonica. And the Wolfman answers in his Sling Blade voice, "I was 27 and had hurt my back in the Navy. I'd joined the Navy to take care of my family. But I was hurt and couldn't work. So I bought a Jimmy Buffett album and a harmonica. Four wife's later I could play pretty good."
Now he tells me this as I am in transition mode in my own life. I believe that I want to be a beach bum when I grow up but have this knack of trying to catch people who are going to hell and sending them in a different direction.
But Gordon and Sam have pulled it off.
There is hope.
I just pray that I don't have to get through four wives to get to where I want to be.
I really just want the one true love.
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