I am the extremely proud parent of a gay son!
Winston, the little gay dog, was born himself.
God made him this way and who can turn their back on the good things God has made?
I know, I know ... a lot of people.
Religion gets in the way of acceptance, church abhors change and dogma tries to figure out ways to damn everything that it doesn't believe fits.
Blah, blah, blah.
This life is really about acceptance.
Fundamentalism of any kind ... be it Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Democrat, Republican ... is a terrible and evil thing. In any belief system it basically proclaims, "There's only one way! And it's our way! And if you don't like it stick it up your ass sideways!"
On the other hand, God is love.
And to quote Rod Stewart, "Ain't love a bitch."
It's hard enough enough to find, much less hold onto love in life. There are so many things against love in the world ... with religion, politics and social morays topping the list.
I believe if you find love you do your damn best to hold on to it. Because if God really is love then that's what we're holding on to.
Which brings me back to Winston, the little gay dog.
He is most definitely gay. Sarah and I don't have any problems with it. He is who he is (which is also very Biblical as when Moses asked God who he was, God answered, "I am who I am."
Winston too.
The girls have problems with it. Raised in the church, they were taught that homosexuality is a sin.
What isn't a sin these days?
You sin. I sin. We all sin. That's one of the ties that bind us all together.
Let's accentuate the positive shall we? We're all doing the best we can. We screw something up most every day. If we're healthy then we're honest about it. If we're unhealthy then we deny it.
The other positive thing here is that we all have seen, touched, tasted, want or have ... love.
When you do, who cares if you're gay or straight, rich or poor, white or black, Republican or Democrat, Churched or unchurched, thin or fat or much anything else.
Loving people support love.
Unloving people don't.
Winston, the little gay dog, reminds me of these things.
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