If I still had a conventional job like I did at Union Mission and at the Jefferson Street Baptist Chapel, I'd call in sick today.
It's one of those days.
I'm not in the mood.
Not that I know what kind of mood I'm in because I don't. I'm just not in the mood to do all of the things on my "to do" list today.
Apparently I AM in the mood to lock Winston, the little gay dog, outside in 39 degree weather. It's funny watching him jump up and down trying to turn the latch on the sliding glass doors to let himself inside. With all of that jumping he's got to be warm and its hilarious watching him head butt the glass to no avail.
I get back to work instant messaging Sean and now have the things necessary to cross the first thing off the "to-do" list but ... it's time for a break so I pour myself a large glass of Sparkling water heavily spiked with lime juice.
I need more motivation to plow through the things I have to accomplish. This leads to a great deal of introspection on my part. Finally I determine that Neil Young and the Shocking Pinks will enable me be inspired and sit back down at the computer.
Winston, the little gay dog, is now laying by the door giving me the sad, "what did I do to deserve this?" look.
I review my "to-do" list again. It's really not that long. Last week I worked everyday we were traveling, crawling out of bed before the sun came up and stumbling to the Lido Deck for coffee. After writing the blog, I'd flip through the social media channels, manage email and work on media plans. So I stayed pretty current while sailing the Caribbean. It's the beauty of the world today. If you're disciplined you can work from mostly anywhere.
Besides, it's President's day.
All of the Presidents are off. I actually think its better when President's are off. The more they're off, the safer we are. You know what I'm saying?
Winston, the little gay dog, has gotten Goddess to stand beside him scratching the door for me to let them in.
Sighing, I walk over, open the door and she gleefully rushes past me. Winston, the little gay dog, slowly prances in giving me the evil eye wearing his black sweater with pink ruffles with the words "Gay Republicans came out of their log cabins."
Sitting back down I type a few things, hit send and cross the first thing off the "to-do list. It's tough being the President of a company.
Wait a minute!
It is President's day.
It wouldn't work though. I need to collect more of the bastards! You know what I'm saying? So sadly, it's back to the "to-do" list.
At least until Winston, the little gay dog, wants to go back outside.
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