Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Prayer of thanks

A friend of mine passed away yesterday.

We weren't close friends, rarely spending time alone though we did have several heartfelt conversations over the past decade. He was constantly there while my life went through seismic shifts and I was there in his too from time to time.

I'd stumble off the beach and he'd be sitting at one of the large yellow and blue picnic tables in his restaurant. "Andy and Cheryl's Baywatch" is a fixture on Orient Beach in St. Martin. In the West French West Indies he served up incredible American food with a flair!

His Margarita Shrimp is to die for!

Now he's died.

He was an ornery man, a sloppy dresser and a wonderful chef. I don't think its a coincidence that he died on Friday the 13th. He could be funny as hell or mean as a snake.

You never knew what you were going to get.

Just like the specials in the open air restaurant with sand on the floor.

"Come here Andy," my friend Hugh once said, "let me see what today's special is."

And Hugh stared at the stains on Andy's tee shirt concluding, "Ah! Lasagna!"

Andy expatriated from New Jersey and the United States for life in the Caribbean, built a very popular eatery with an incredibly loyal customer base. And he did it surrounded by exquisite French restaurants by sticking out like a sore thumb.

1960s rock-n-roll blasted from the speakers in Baywatch, a funny staff of islanders made up for his poor management styles while his ex-wife served as hostess. It was such an American contrast to the subtle ways of the French.

Sarah, Conner, Hania and I were there a few months ago and we could tell the place was losing its steam. It was still beautiful and the food was constantly great but the soul of the place was disappearing. It happens ... All Things Must Pass.

But I'm left with mostly fond memories. It was a good place for a long time. Andy was more good than bad and on rare occasions he could be magical. I liked him.

I say a prayer of thanks today for Andy. My mind drifts to the wonderful collection of people who salt my life making it better than what it would have been without them. I check on Sarah to make sure she's still breathing as she sleeps. Goddess lays at my feet and sighs while my heart explodes with love.


An eccentric life dotted with eclectic characters pop from the pages of award winning author Micheal Elliott’s newest book Sandy Bottoms & Duct Taped Hearts. His musings immerse you in a world of headshaking wonder, gut wrenching laughter, heart touched tenderness and empathetic tears.

Never letting the truth stand in the way of a good story, Elliott’s ninth book takes you on a wild journey of “Wow! Really! I can’t believe that!” every day moments. Sandy Bottoms & Duct Taped Hearts exemplifies his gift of capturing common thoughts and painting them perfectly into words.

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