I'm beginning to have serious doubts about Karma.
Karma is the belief the good things you do contribute to a better universe while bad actions make things worse.
It's up for grabs how long it takes the process to work ... it could happen immediately or it may take several lifetimes before anyone notices anything.
Who knows?
Like many I shortened the whole belief system to "if I do good things then good things will happen to me."
My bad actions lead to things getting worse.
Of course I like idea of the more good I do the better things are for me personally so I really try to mostly do good things.
Most of my career has been doing lots of good things for homeless people, those living with AIDS, the sick, addicted and so forth ... and it did lead to lots of good things.
I was paid well, gained recognition, won awards and was invited to visit lots of cool places.
Simultaneously though I divorced, remarried only for her to divorce me, transition from the career and go through a major bout of depression.
Good Karma was followed by Bad Karma.
Now I'm waiting for Bad Karma to be followed by Good Karma again.
It stuck me last night that it already has ... just not in the ways I had it before ... because I'm so very happily married, doing things I really want to do without much pay (which can definitely bring on Bad Karma as bills mount), happier than I've ever been and so incredibly optimistic about our future.
My children grew up, moved out and are living their own lives but I've been gifted three little girls to live with who bring me great joy.
There's still Bad Karma in my life ... Sarah's starter died the other day ... the oil light in my car keeps coming on ... our back yard grass has been completely overwhelmed with weeds ... and a squirrel viciously attacked and killed a chair on our Beloved Back Deck!
My world has grown much smaller but I know it so much better because there's not as much know ... so the things and people in it receive far more of my attention.
Perhaps its not Karma at all!
It could be my perspective has merely changed and I don't need everything anymore but I sure know the things I need ... and am very focused on them.
We've got our health though you can never be certain about how long.
So ... I remain convinced Good Karma begets Good things ... and Bad Karma is a flaw in the Universal design.
Now to figure out what to do with that chair on the Beloved Back Deck the Squirrel killed.
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