Sarah and I are showing our friends Tim and Jess around Savannah and making our way to the historic steps from the original bluff occupied by Indians have been replaced by City Hall and posh hotels down to River Street where the water flows.
"People were more vertical then," I quip to Tim because the stone steps of death are a full two feet from each other ... obviously no longer fitting "Code."
At that moment we see the sign, "Historic Steps: Use at your own risk."
"No way," I mutter in disbelief.
"Sign! Sign! Everywhere a sign," is how Government exonerates itself from potential lawsuits these days.
Over the last few weeks on Tybee Island we have new signs too!
"Watch your step!" signs are now affixed at the beginning of every cross walk leading to the beach.
Let me ask a very logical question ... How can you watch your step if you're reading a sign?
Some Lawyer is going to make lots of money off the City when he proves in court that, in fact, one cannot watch his or her step while reading a Government Sign distracting someone from actually watching his or her step!
Somebody's gonna face plant and it's going to be the sign's fault.
It's just a matter of time.
Sarah, Jess, Tim and I successfully make it down the stone stairs of death and enjoy a nice lunch at the Cotton Exchange where Jean is still the bartender.
Jean and I go W.A.Y. back to when she served Gene Prevatt and I beers knowing full well it wasn't our pictures on the Driver's Licenses but we're good kids so "What the Hell?"
Four decades later I remain devoted to Jean.
A "What the Hell?" philosophy has gone to Hell in the not-so-United-States of America.
"What the Hell?" used to be a way of life and an adventure that became lifetime memories and great political advancements of courage.
Now it's a sign.
"Do this! Don't do that! Everywhere a sign!"
We could use a lot more "What the Hell?" in our decision making processes.
Sarah and I just did.
"You want to go to Mexico?"
"We can't afford it."
"What the Hell?"
Damn we had a good time.
You only live once!
What the Hell?
I figure once we get the Hell out ... we reach Heaven.
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