Stumbling out of bed, I kiss my sleeping Sarah somewhere on the side of her face and make my way into the bathroom and fumble in the dark for my toothbrush.
After knocking several things over, quietly cussing each time, I find it and turn to make my way to the outdoor shower.
Tripping over the shoes Maddie left in the floor I quietly cuss again before stopping to pick up the silver sandals.
She was stunningly beautiful last night as she went to her first formal dance and a tenderness comes over me as I place her shoes next to the stairs leading to her room.
In the dark I make my way outside only to discover Cassidy sleeping on the sofa.
I was sleeping on the sofa last night trying to watch the football game when Sarah left to retrieve Maddie from her big night out and vaguely remember Cass kissing my forehead.
Stooping over I return the love.
Making my way outside again I trip over Goddess who's sleeping on the floor beside Cassidy protecting her from whatever may come in the night.
I quietly cuss again.
Finally under the hot water in the outdoor shower, I stare at a billion stars in pitch black sky ... and notice a grey light coming out of Laurel's room.
Stumbling out the shower I peek inside to see her watching Netflix on her smart phone.
The child has boundless energy, doesn't accept criticism when it hits her in the face and is always up to something.
She and I had a lunch date yesterday at Wendy's ... her choice ... and when I order the spicy chicken sandwich with pickles, she did too.
"Man, this is hot," she sweats in the middle of our date.
"Why'd you get it?" I mumble with a mouth full.
"Cause you did," she replies wiping her forehead and ... I just melt.
Returning to the shower, I count my blessings.
Sarah often refers to the girls as her "blessings."
I think they've become mine too.
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