"Mom? Dad? Can we like go somewhere for a couple of days and get away because my friends are really stressing me out and making me mad?"
Che's been playing outside with neighborhood friends when she abruptly sends them home, storms inside and utters this in frustration.
Sarah and I wonder how much of our struggle she internalizes, forever looking to make sure she's growing up normally as possible, whatever that means.
So the girls are skipping work and school for a "family trip" for my Chemo injection in Jacksonville.
Che's pretty stoked about skipping Kindergarten which makes us laugh!
Lord knows, if it's genetics, she gets it naturally.
Sarah found a family farm with, I swear to God this is true, with "lions and tigers and bears."
Oh my!
"Unless you become as a child," tossing aside all practicality, societal expectations, religious norms and political dogma just to be together and maybe have some fun, "you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
So, we're doing this as a Heavenly road trip as we know how to orchestrate.
The funny thing is Che's so excited, it's hard for Sarah and I not to be contaminated by her joy and Sarah and I find ourselves smiling though, it's a terrible intrusion of the daily demands of life.
"I'm so excited," Che says.
Sarah and I are so tired but, happily so, in no small part because, our little revolutionary keeps turning things wonderfully upside down.
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