Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It's time to invest in you!

"I enjoyed the session tonight," reads the email.

"Good job!" the instant message proclaims.

Last evening, sitting on the back deck on a chilly evening beside a roaring fire, I taught a class on writing. It's the initial session in the form of a teleseminar. Initially, it's a lot of story telling on my part with a great deal of personal introspection on theirs. First we discover the story demanding to be released, meet the writer inside and finally slide into the act of crafting words.

Immediately after the class, I began receiving messages. The instant gratification of getting it right makes anyone feel good.

I certainly did and today I still do.

My whole life, I've helped others sort through problems, overcome barriers, discover who they really should be, harness hope and make life better than what it had been. Through the wonderful worlds of technology I now work with people throughout the world who are committed to making their life better NOW!

That's a pretty bold statement but if you boil down a 30 year career, that's exactly what I've done.

The biggest discovery for me has been people's inabilities to believe in themselves!

Refusing to spend money on YOU to grow and be better is crazy! Forever putting off investments in YOURSELF until later means most never get around to it. We imprison our own dreams, calling it self-sacrifice for those we love. We give everything to the kids, our parents, the church and often a collection of friends who don't return much anything in-kind.


We have this one life to make the most of and there's no day but today to believe in, and  invest in, YOU!

My job is to help you understand this so you can start living the life you want now!

Today I challenge you to make an investment in yourself. Take some extra time for you just because you deserve it dammit! Treat yourself to something you enjoy. Indulge yourself in one thing today!

Because no one else will.

When all's said and done, you are the only one who can get to the life you want to have so make a tiny investment in that now! And learn how to keep investing in you! That's the only way to get away from messes surrounding us and to the glories of who you really are!

In December we're offering "Doing the right things for you!" just in time for the Holidays when too many get the blues. Learn more at http://www.meellc.com/wordpress/onlineclass/

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