Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day ... Joseph

On this Mother's Day ... I find myself thinking about Joseph ... the Father of Christ. History and St. Augustine screwed him good with the whole Virgin Birth conspiracy. It's all right in the end. Mary went on to become a Mother. Joseph ... never ranked Dad status. Though he's the one who taught Jesus to pee outside. He showed his son ... excuse me ... I mean "Son" ... to use a hammer and a nail. Joe's the one who gave Jesus advice on Camel racing, kissing girls and preventing pregnancy ... a lesson which Joe himself failed measurably. I'm pretty sure that he and Son talked this through completely because when Jesus hung around hookers like Mary Magdalene ... he never got her pregnant. On the other hand, Mother Mary was always showing up trying to tell her Son what to do. Jesus got drunk one time when she did this, walking outside and basically asking "Who's my Mother?" It pissed her off and she left. She was there at the end though, when he was being crucified, because Mother's always worry. And her worry was worthwhile because the nails were real and he was dying. There's no mention of Joseph at the end of the story. That pisses me off. Joe did as much as Mother Mary did. Maybe more.