Monday, September 3, 2012

Night Swimming

The white trail of the moon glowed on the ocean while stars danced above. I was swimming in it while Sarah and the girls stood on the beach soaked in sweat from dancing on the Pier. I needed to cool down and it's been forever since I went night swimming so I tossed her my shirt and called out, "Let's join the sharks!" Laurel was with me all of the way ... until I said that about the sharks ... then she decided her Mom needed protection so she stayed on the beach. It was as beautiful as the opening scene from "JAWS". A Beautiful night. An almost full moon. No clouds. Bright stars. A calm ocean. And I was swimming out in warm water, doing the back stroke, and loving it all! The Swinging Medallions were still wailing from the Pier. We'd been dancing with Wen and the girls. Nights on Tybee just don't get any better that what we were having. So I floated in the ocean I love so dearly and thanked my lucky stars. Sometimes words fail you and you can't possibly describe what its like. This is one of those times. And if you've never done it ... then you haven't lived yet.