Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sin ... from a Sinner's point of view

In Seminary I paid lots of money to learn the definition of the word "SIN" ... "to miss the mark."

Like a shooter aiming for the Bull's eye ... you come close way more often than hitting the target dead on.

Either way I think we do the best we can.

We try our very best to not miss the mark but ... odds are ... we will not hit dead center except every once in a while.

All these people who say we should get it perfect every time ... they're just not right.

Jimmy Swaggart  ... Bishop Eddie Long ... Jim Bakker ... Earl Paulk ... and Rev. Gilbert Gauthe (in my hometown) ... and a thousand other ministers preached fidelity and abstinence ... BUT ... (this is ugly) they did everything ... and everyone ... from Alter boys to little girls ... Pretty Prostitutes and Ugly ones ... numerous members of the Congregation (male and female) ... and, my personal favorite ... having sex with your sister-in-law, conceiving a child, trying to hide it (as if you could) and then explaining it by saying, "I don't know how this could happen!" (Earl Paulk)

The point being ... nobody hits the mark all of the time.

Truth is ... it's a rare thing to hit the mark consistently.

Most of us hit it occasionally.

Sadly some never hit it.

Worse are those who never try to hit it at all!

"For all have sinned," says St. Paul ... so why all the bullshit about not sinning?

You sin!

I sin!

We all sin!

Sinning is the norm.

That's not to say I want to settle for sinning.

I don't sin anywhere as much as I used to.

I don't miss the days when I sinned a lot at all!

But you know what?

It's alright.

It got me to where I am now.

Happily in love ... content with life ... consternated about figuring out the continued financing ... wonderful adult children who keep me fascinated with what they're doing ... three little girls living with me who keep me guessing ... at a place I love ... with Sarah ... who only makes me question "Hey God! Why did it take so long to get to this?"

In the end, I think it's all about forgiveness.

"Ah shit," God says. "You missed. It's alright. Let's try again. I know you're going to hit it."