Monday, August 11, 2014

Thinking about my death

The Grim Reaper and I have been having quite the dance lately.

I'm a much better dancer ... doing my best to stay a step or two ahead ... so far so good.

A lot of my friends find it more challenging.

Stem cell transplants ... pancreatic cancer ... lungs and livers refusing to cooperate ... serious depression ... all make for terrible dances ... but The Grim Reaper demands it anyway ... so the dances continue.

On top of the cells, cancers, lungs, livers, depressions are ... faces of people I love.

Love's a funny thing ... something we hoard but are supposed to give away to get.

Of course when the Grim Reaper's all over the dance floor ... it makes me think about my own.

I hold on to Sarah tighter in the night ... which interrupts her sleep ... but I like where we're at and not in any hurry to leave it behind.

I feel very alive today ... deeply appreciative of everything around me ... not in a hurry ... and not too concerned about much anything.

It's going to work out.

Every little thing's going to be alright.

I have faith.

We'll see if faith delivers.

So far ... so good.

The longer I've lived ... the better it's gotten.

I don't know how much I've got left but ... it feels like being on a roller coaster climbing to the apex of the track ... and Sarah smile as she throws her arms up in the air ... so I take mine from around her waist and throw them up too ... and the adventure begins.