Monday, October 13, 2014

Divine Intervention ... for a Pirate and his Wenches

Everything was perfectly planned.

Whitely Reynolds has a big Golf Cart he's willing to lend us.

It's Pirate Fest and we want to represent Bar Church in the Parade.

The day arrives, I pick up the Golf Cart from Whitley and drive it back to our house where Sarah and Laurel, the 10 year old, decorate it.

Everyone gets ready, we pile in the beautifully decorated cart and take off to pick up Judy O'Neill who gets in the cart successfully.

Three blocks later ... the Golf Cart dies.

I'm the lone Pirate in a Cart full of well dressed Wenches ... meaning I have to push the Cart back to Whitley's house ... (honestly ... my Gypsy Wife ... who's also the Pastor's Wife ... helps. Pastor's wives get no respect!)

A few blocks and several gallons of sweat later, Whitley who's obviously indisposed, grabs a wrench ... NOT A WENCH ... and fixes the Golf Cart.

The Wenches piles back in as Whitely hands me the wrench and we're off again.

One block away from the staging area, the Golf Cart dies again.

Grabbing the wrench ... NOT THE WENCH ... I turn the same nut Whitley did ... and the whole thing pops off in my hand.

So ... the Wenches stroll to the Parade staging area ... as I call the still indisposed Whitley ... who immediately comes to get his Golf Cart ... he toes me driving it to where it's going to be fixed ... then takes me back to the staging area ... where the Pirate Fest Parade is just staring.

The Bar Church Wenches are all waiting ... having decided we're going to make the best of it by walking the route.

Other Bar Church wenches and Pirates are looking for us.


The Island Hopper "Ghost Tours" Golf Cart is instructed by the Parade Manager to stop in front of the Bar Church people.

There is no one in it save the driver who's dressed like a Wench.

"Hey!" I say, "Do you know Rocky Moore?"

She does.

"Our float broke," I explain.

"Oh get in," she cheerfully says, so we do hoisting the Bar Church Pirate Flag and goodies for the kids.

So the Church people get in with the Ghost people and ... we have the most marvelous Pirate Fest Parade!

Which has left me wondering ever since.

What are the freaking odds?

We lose Whitley's big Golf Cart right before the Parade we plan on marching in to honor God and ... another is delivered to us just as the Parade steps off.

How do you explain that?

It's right up there with Moses and the Burning Bush ... David slaying Goliath ... the walls of Jericho tumbling down ... walking on the water ... Jesus being raised from the dead.

I believe God loves Bar Church!

How else can it be explained?