Sunday, June 12, 2022

Dog Nurse


Most every day, Lainey takes me for a drag. I hold the leash and she pulls me wherever she wants me to go. 

Sarah is proud of me because I'm exercising when I'm actually holding on for dear life! 

It's nice to get outside though and see the sights, mostly surrounding our dog's butt, but I love Lainey dragging me down the street, through the woods to the lagoons teeming with turtles.  

Deep blue skies, cotton Candy clouds, sub-Tropical foliage brightly punctuate the forest of Evergreens and I'm overwhelmed by the LIFE exploding everywhere around me. 

Over the past 2 years since I've been sick, I've learned how Lainey takes care of me, just like everyone else in our house. 

On the days I can barely put one step in front of the other, she drags me to the football practice field bleachers not very far away so I can rest. 

When I'm ready she drags me to the baseball diamond on the other side of the school where there are more bleachers.

After gaining my wind, she drags me to soccer fields where there are more bleachers. If I'm lost in thought, or extremely high, and keep walking Lainey jerks backwards knowing I'll never make it without resting first.  

Conversely, if I sit to long, she jerks me up and drags me to the next designated rest area.

The dog has obviously been eavesdropping when Sarah's talking online Nursing classes and gives me the utmost care when she's in charge. 

Unless there's a squirrel. 

All bets are off if a squirrel darts across our path as Lainey gives chase, mindlessly dragging me along bumping trees, through underbrush and ditches. 

She drug me under a car once but seemingly realized what she'd done and immediately stopped to jump up on my chest and lick my face. 

Afterwards she drug me home.  

Once there she switches all of her love, adoration, locality and allegiance to Sarah and Che which is fine because it takes me an hour to recover our walks. 

 But I love this dog. 

She loves me too. 

After Sarah and Che. 

Just higher than squirrels.