Thursday, July 8, 2021



"Little surprised to hear from you ..." he writes in to a message I'd sent.

I'd been listening to music, which I do a lot these days, and really missing live music ... the old Monty Parks Acoustic Jam at Doc's Bar ... the Ducted Taped Band at Bar Church ... jamming and talking music with Mitch Wesley. 

This got me missing specific songs written and preformed by incredibly talented musicians and friends. I wrote one to say how much I appreciated his songs, that I miss them, implying they're still alive inside of me somehow long after they were last sang. 

And I surprise him!

"I wonder why he's surprised?"

AWE MAN! He must think I've already died so that's why he's surprised.  

It's a natural mistake. 

Pancreatic Cancer + Micheal = not going to hear from him anymore!

So I write him back asking, "Why are you surprised?"

He doesn't reply.

Suddenly I wonder if I've been blackballed or something?

I was blackballed by the Eastside Savannah Rotary Club years ago so completely understand how it works!

Now I can't stop wondering what I was blackballed from?

I tell Sarah about it and she shrugs her shoulders though later she asks if I've heard anything. When I tell her no, she shrugs her shoulders.

Sarah did put on Facebook that I rarely pick up the guitar anymore and Che chided me for it.

I wonder if that got me blackballed?

It couldn't have been anything I've done recently to provoke anybody because I don't do those things anymore.

Sarah may not agree.

Then I get to thinking about how I could really surprise him if I got in touch AFTER I've died.

Now that would be surprising!

The point is every day I happily wake up resolved to celebrate life to it's fullest! Mostly that means loving Sarah, raising Che, sharing confidences with the girls, listening to music I relish, getting high and having flashbacks.

Most of the time my flashbacks involve living people so, if I have the energy and time, which is very rare, I get in touch to share the moment. 

I want to say thank you for your gifts to me.

God we had some fun!

I'm having fun with Sarah and the girls now and hope you're having as much fun as we are!

I don't have time for being blackballed!

As I often say to Che, "C'mon! We got stuff to do!" but every once in a while, it's nice to stop and say thanks.