Monday, December 28, 2015

One Holy Hell Of A Present

Facebook has the ability to raise the dead.

It's funny but people long gone to me come back to life through a friend request.

After hitting "accept" ... there they are!

Clicking photos first I inspect their again to conclude, "Damn I look good."

Then I inspect how they've grown or diminished ... religiously, politically, economically  ... number of kids, grandkids, marriages ... and most important ... how funny they are!

If they're funny I make them a "Favorite."

If they're too religiously, politically or economically inclined ... they can go to Cyber Hell and stay there because they add nothing to my life.

If things go well ... after "liking" each other's posts ... commenting on it and then responding to their comments ... dialogue is (re)born ... and plans are made.

Like the other night.

Sarah, Maddie and I are off to Social's musical Holiday extravaganza on a warm Christmas night to eat bread and cheese, enjoy Monty Parks kicking it off and seeing friends.

Among the friends is Mark Stewart who I went to High School with successfully kidnapping an entire page of our Annual before ... going our own ways ... doing our own things ... religiously, politically and economically ... and a thousand other ways.

Then ... one of us hits "Accept."

Mark and I embrace for the first time in decades. He meets Sarah and Maddie who virtually knows but this is flesh and blood!

We catch up before immediately moving on.

"Go get your saxophone," Sarah tells Mark ... and he does.

Later in the night, I grab my guitar and hit the stage to play a few songs ... while Mark blows the roof off the place ... and for a moment ... musically ... we are one ... as decades fade away ... and two old friends reunite.

The word became flesh.

That makes one Holy Hell of a Christmas Present.

Thank you Mark!

Happy New Year!

Can't wait for our next gig!