Saturday, January 17, 2015

"Sunrise doesn't last all morning ... a cloudburst doesn't last all day ..."

So sings the Major Prophet George Harrison.

All Things Must Pass.

I've passed through two marriages to get to the right one.

I passed over great opportunities to live and work elsewhere.

I left organized religion only to find myself captured by the unorganized kind ... in a Bar ... with no real plan.

I stopped trying to prove myself to everybody ... ultimately agreeing with Popeye ... "I am what I am" ... warts and all.

I left the boredom of not being a musician ... because if you aren't making music of some type ... you're not really living.

I quit being a carefree adult to choose parenthood ... again ... after I've already survived once ... and passionately love a house full of girls ... who passionately love me.

I used to intensely care about politics but don't anymore ... because they're all the same.

I was once a reader but now I'm a writer.

I really love where I'm at!

But I've lived long enough to know that it's not going to last.

Just like George Harrison prophetically passed away, I will too.

Not by choice!

Who wants
to die when life is so good?

So I'm just going to enjoy today ... Sarah and the girls ... my kids ... the sunshine in a blue sky ... walking the dogs ... the Beef Stew I'm making for dinner ... the cookies the girls are making today for our new neighbors ... the Netflix movie we'll watch tonight ... the glasses of wine ... the sliver of moon in the nighttime sky ... laying beside the woman I deeply love with my leg on hers ...

I am going to claim these things because I choose to live in the now and not think about when all things pass away.