Thursday, July 5, 2012

Instant Karma

Let me start by professing that I am mostly a Christian. I paid a lot of good money at Seminary to get ordained so I guess I'd better be. My creedo starts with Jesus and the Saints and all the prophets but then it takes some interesting turns. I like Zen and waiting on things to enlighten me. Che Guevera and Liberation theology is a stready stream. I have lots of pantheism inside of me. Salt water pumps my heart. To cap it all off, I'm a hopeless romantic who really beleives love conquers all, forgiveness is integral to living and hope is the proper beginning for everything. And I like Karma a lot. It's the concept of action and deeds which forever start and forever end the cycle of cause and effect. What goes around comes around. If you do good things then good things eventually come back to you. If you do bad things, eventually it becomes apparent that you're screwing yourself. Mix it all up in a pot and that's the religion of Micheal. So on the 4th of July, I was particularly religious. It started with me rolling over it bed, hugging Sarah and thanking God for her. Then I thanked God forThe Breakfast Club and coffee with friends. Afterwards I rode my bicycle back home prayed that Jesus it a nice beach day. I invoked the name of God in entirely different ways when the three Mermaids got up wanting breakfast while Sarah slept and I was enjoying the morning on the Beloved Back Deck. So we had communican over Cinnamon roles, wishing each other a very nice day. We made our way to the beach and in the middle of it, Sean and Wen needed our help. God had blessed them with a washer and dryer that they had to immediately get (I think they got it on the Black Market) and we needed to watch their kids. So we had lots of kids at the beach. I took them all out into the ocean way over their heads. We laughed and body surfed until it was time to go back to the house. Five girls instantly turned our newly redone home into a third world country. It's amazing to me how quickly this can happen. It makes you beleive in God even if you don't because you're asking ... "Whose going to save me from this?" Of course I tried to sleep through it but five girls have the accumulative capacity of detonating a nuclear bomb. I got up, poured a glass of Holy Water and sat with Sarah on the Beloved Back Deck. Sean and Wen returned and, under protest, liberated two of the girls. I fired the grill and threw the chicken on. Sarah baked a cake. Dedra arrived. We ate. It was stil early and we wondered what to do. We are blessed to live on Tybee Island so there is always something. Arriving at The Rock House we settled in as the sun set to listen to The Samuel Adams Band who play damn good live music most nights. They were glad to see us. The girls and I danced. I did shots with the band. Sarah ordered desert. It was a charismatic worship experience. Then we retreated to the sanctuary of our bedroom and called on God in other ways. The girls decided this was the perfect time to burst through the closed door to wish us a good night. But it's all good. Instand Karma making its way back around. Today it all starts over again, thank God! If we want to, we all shine on ... like the moon and the stars and the sun. Religion doesn't get much better.

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