Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Still Waiting

A year ago today I wrote about how "waiting is the hardest part," quoting Tom Petty.

I also invoked George Harrison's "It's takes so long my Lord."

Like today, it was a cold and rainy morning though the sun battled mightily for supremacy in a clouded sky.

I was in a stuck place, impatiently waiting on others to get back to me.

They weren't and it was really getting under my skin!

I was trying to holy about it, saying prayers and finding hope in the tiniest of things.

A lone bird perched on a wet limb burst out in a Hymn of Praise and I took it as a sign from God that everything was working out.

Well, a year's passed and I'm still waiting on some things.

I feel stuck and it's really getting under my skin though I'm trying to be holy about it all though just now when a bird started singing outside I closed the sliding glass door not wanting to listen.

Impatiently scrolling on Spotify I listen to Tom Petty for the hundredth time in the last several days (the 1985 live version!) so I can commiserate with myself again.

Sarah's not here so I can commiserate with her again.

Besides she's as frustrated as I am.

So it's just me, Tom Petty, the dogs and God.

"Hey God," I say out loud. "Why is this taking so long?"

Laying at my feet Goddess sighs loudly.

"You are not speaking for God," I tell her so she rolls over wanting a belly rub and I give her one.

"Alright," I sigh sitting back down. "Time to get back to work ... waiting."

But somehow ... I don't know why or how ... it feels right ... faith-like ... the assurance of things hoped for ... the conviction of things not seen.

And the sun overcomes the clouds and the world is baptized in light.

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