Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God's touch

An absolutely great day went to absolute shit when I got the email I'd never conceived getting.

I'm not wanted.

I don't understand that.

I'm pretty good ... done lots of cool things ...been everywhere ... am incredibly successful ... and married to the most wonderful person ever born (except for those times when she's mad at me for something I obviously had little to do with).

Everything was rocking and rolling ... then I got the email.

"No Thanks," they said to everything I have to offer.

There's that moment when you stand there alone ... in disbelief ... wondering how ... searching for logic ... getting angry ... filled with frustration.

Goddess comes out of her slumber to lick me.

"How do you know?" I ask our beloved Golden Retriever with a bit of Border Collie in her.

Winston ... The Little Gay Dog ... prances in and licks me too.

And they make me cry so I slide into the kitchen floor and they just love me.

I call Sarah and tell her.

Fierce love and protection explodes in my ear.

Finishing, I tell myself, "I got to get out of here."

I go to my other home ... The Breakfast Club.

"HEY!" everyone yells because I'm never there at noon.

"I've had the shitiest day," I say plopping on my seat at the counter.

Every single person who's employed at the Club stops what they're doing ... looks at me ... washes me in love.

I order then can't eat.

I just want to go home.

When I leave... Caroline of all people ... and Denise ... hug me at the same time and tell me they love me.

"Are you Micheal Elliott?" someone I don't know asks tapping me on the shoulder.

Caroline and Denise are immediately on the defense and ready to take him down.

"I am," l say.

"Stacy Jennings told to read your blog and I do every day."

Caroline and Denise release the intense grip they have on my arm and return to delivering food, pouring coffee, wiping tables and waiting on customers.

"That's nice," I reply ... really needing nice ... at that moment.

"I love what you do man," he says hugging me.

I just cry.

Caroline ... of all people ... caustic, profanely wonderful, recently married and pregnant ... places her hand on top of mine for a slight second.

And the world stands still.

"I got this" she says pouring coffee.

She's been there for me before ... storming out into the middle of Butler Avenue ... crossing her arms into an "X" ... screaming "That Bitch is not wanted in here!"

"What are you and Sarah going to do?' she whispers.

"I don't know," I answer.

She just nods ... but it's a nod completely full of love.

And if that doesn't make you believe in God ... then there's no God.

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