Friday, August 27, 2021

The Big Showdown's Coming


Here I am.

Fighting Cancer.

Well, Cancer's doing most the fighting.

I'm not exactly a pacifist but truthfully I haven't contributed very much.

Sure I do my part, taking numerous vitamins someone swears helps cure cancer, smoking copious amounts of weed and listening to really good music.

Like continuously listening to the Jam George Harrison and Eric Clapton break into in the outtake of "Hear Me Lord" on the 50th Anniversary edition of "All Things Must Pass" that really should have been on the final mix of the original album!

That's pretty much me fighting cancer.

Well, I take Lainey for a walk every day.

Happily high as a kite, I shuffle down the sidewalk, snapping my fingers, absolutely stunned at the original version of "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" by "Klaatu" that our Dalmatian actually walks me until I suddenly wonder how I got home so fast?

The printer sprints out endless pages documenting surgeries, body imaging, scans, test results and medical notes.

Sarah dashes in and out, grabbing pages while participating in an online training required by her work, as she continues building the file for my referral to the Mayo Clinic.

Now my wife is waging one Hell of a Battle against my cancer!

"You know," she says, "our life does not need to revolve around cancer" but try as we may, it does seem to dominate everything.

Sarah's been looking forward to a 5K at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for the past two years. It's in 2 weeks. My initial appointment at the Mayo Clinic is the week before. It's impossible for us to do both.

Life is so unfair!

Physically, everyone says I look great!

My most successful contributions in the battle with cancer have centered around recovery.

All I do is perpetually recover!

It's the mental war against a relentless, ever advancing foe, that takes it's toil. Cancer demands attention while Sarah and I squeeze life out of every single moment.

Something's going to snap.

But it won't be Sarah.

She doesn't take things, I'm uncertain of how to best explain, passively. 

Oh she seems passive receiving terrible news but don't be fooled, she's calculating, and within seconds she'll have a plan designed to deal with whatever's, again I search for words, "slowing her down."  

So you have to see things from my perspective.

There's a big showdown coming!

On one side is cancer.

I'm on the other side.

Sarah's between us.

I'm not going anywhere until I see how this ends!

My money's on my wife!

Well, and me, of course.

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