Sunday, November 4, 2012

This day that the Lord made

It is simply a marvelous Sunday morning!

I know ... that it's not true in New York City and other places living in recovery. It's also snowing somewhere which always sucks. There are wars and rumors of wars across the world which a lot of people believe is coming to an end anyway ... like Tuesday when we vote.

At this moment, I don't care!

A brilliant, almost white sun, blazes in a light blue sky. Fran's thousand shades of green stretch skyward as though trying to touch it. There is one bloom on the three Hibiscus plants on the beloved back deck but there are fourteen buds getting ready to explode! Goddess is laying under one watching the Cat Lady who is ... chasing cats. At least she has clothes on.

Winston, the little gay dog, is sitting beside my dangling bare feet wearing a red sweater.

The Palm Tree with the oyster face, coconut bra and grass skirt is flashing smiles at me. She needs a new skirt as the ocean breezes have stolen much of her grass. Then again, grass is always disappearing on this island. (I make myself a not to ask Joanie where I can pick up replacement grass.)

Sarah is sleeping beautifully and I check on her from time to time.

"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24)


"Thanks God," I say out loud. "For November, you have just have freaking outdone yourself!"

The music streaming on the computer is out of Key West. Pirate radio does an acoustic Sunday morning show in honor of God. It's like going to church which I'm actually planning on doing in a little while. It's the third anniversary of Bar Church and we haven't been in a while. I told Sarah that I want to go.

"Wake me up," she told me last night.

As the sun beams warmth on me on this glorious day that the Lord as has made, I'm troubled by one thing.

Exactly how shall I wake her up?

I swear the Palm Tree with the oyster face, coconut bra and grass skirt just winked at me.

I wink back.

Later y'all.

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